PUMA, in collaboration with The Pokémon Company International, announces its creative collection featuring the incredible world of Pokémon. PUMA takes inspiration from fan-favorite Pokémon – including Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Gengar – for the new collection featuring iconic graphics and playful attention to detail.

The collection’s sneakers focus on these beloved Pokémon from the globally popular entertainment franchise, as highlighted by the PUMA Slipstream Charmander as well as PUMA’s Suede, Rider FV, and TRC Blaze Court, which are inspired by Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Gengar. Through the footwear range, Pokémon fans will find hidden details on the tongue label, insole, and heel.

For the accompanying apparel, textured prints add a tactile detail to items like a sherpa jacket and sweatpants, while Pokémon graphics are featured across an assortment of cotton T-shirts, relaxed crews, and hoodies. Lastly, accessories are included in the form of collaborative beanies and messenger bags.

In addition, an exclusive capsule collection from the PUMA x Pokémon collaboration – featuring RS-X Pikachu trainers and select apparel, footwear, and accessories – will be available at Foot Locker.

Offered up in family sizing, the PUMA x Pokémon collection will be available worldwide from PUMA.com, SHESHA, Sportscene, Superbalist and Selected PUMA stores (Cape Town Select Store, Gateway, Menlyn, Waterfront and Braamfontein). The collection will be available in South Africa from the 18th of November 2022, with retail prices ranging from R399 to R2699.

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