The Joburg Film Festival powered by Multichoice, taking place in the heart of  Egoli from 31 January – 5 February,  is excited to announce the opening film, the Moussa Sene Absa directed masterpiece XALE

Tickets for the 60+ films being screened across Gauteng are now on sale via the JFF website, The festival will showcase some of the finest films from over 35 countries across the globe, including 20 African premieres and 27 South African premieres, the Joburg Film festival will run until Sunday, 5th February 2023 at various locations across the city.

The opening film XALE follows the life of Awa, a 15-year-old  African schoolgirl who is happily living her teenage years alongside her twin brother Adama who dreams of Europe. This beautiful Senegalese feature immerses the viewer into a storyline of family values, love, life and betrayal.

The Joburg Film Festival line-up includes films from South Africa, Tunisia, Brazil, Seoul, Brazil, USA, Japan, Morocco and more, with a mix of feature films and documentaries showcasing stories that cross cultural boundaries.

“As a truly African brand, MultiChoice is proud to once again be partnering with the Joburg Film Festival. Telling stories is part of who we are as an organisation and this partnership will serve as a platform where storytellers come together, and give a renewed light for African storytelling.”

Tumi Masekela, Executive Head: Corporate Affairs, MultiChoice South Africa

In an effort to positively highlight the contribution of the Arts, Culture and Creative Industry in strengthening the Nation Brand, Brand South Africa has teamed up with the Joburg Film Festival which is an important platform for sharing South African stories and capabilities in the film industry.

           “We believe that is important to strengthen the film and entertainment industry and shine a spotlight on one of South Africa’s key strengths as a creative hub on the continent through showcasing Africa’s capabilities to produce world class, high quality, and authentic stories from Africa to the world. Film is a powerful platform that enables us to tell our stories, and export them to the world at large, in order to raise awareness and shape conversations to celebrate our successes and bring about change where necessary. In addition, the South African film industry is a significant contributor to the growth of the economy through job creation and sustainability, skills development and transfer and increased employee and household income. It is a sector that simultaneously promotes the country and contributes to its prosperity”.

says Mpumi Mabuza, Chief Marketing Officer (Acting) at Brand South Africa

Festival screenings will take place at Ster Kinekor Sandton (Sandton City Mall) and Maponya Mall (Soweto), Cinema Nouveau Rosebank (Rosebank Mall), The Bioscope (Maboneng) and Theatre on the Square (Nelson Mandela Square). Limited tickets are available for R80 via

For a full listing of the films to be screened at the upcoming Joburg Film Festival, visit

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