Converse, Celebrates Women’s Month In-Style.
Women’s Month is a notable movement for South African Women. Women across the country celebrate this momentous month in South African history when women took back control of their own narrative. With the infamous phrase- “You strike a woman; you strike a rock”.

On the 9th of August 2022, Converse hosted a women’s day celebration with the vibrant, powerful forces of Converse women who have supported the brand continually. The event took place at the beautiful Prison Break Market, Lonehill.

Converse had a fun easy-going program that consisted of dancing with choreographer Sne Mbatha (iam_snembatha) who took the dance floor by storm and taught the ladies how to do the Michael Jackson Thriller dance. Even if you’re naturally uncoordinated- Sne got everyone dancing and showcasing their moves during the celebration.

The guests enjoyed capturing content for their individual photo albums at the DreamBox which is a live pop-up experience that comprises of 12 different boxes- each with its own theme.

Followed by an artsy spin- the guests could be seen painting on blank canvas sneakers with beautiful bright coloured fabric paint and lots of glitter.

The guests were paired into groups and were given baskets for an outdoor picnic to enjoy the scenery- with blue skies and sunny weather to match the events of the day.

Among the guests were Khosi Ngema (khosingema), Chulumanco Mbete (chulumanco mbete) and Kananelo Ngaleka (kananelo ngaleka).

A guest mentioned that this was an incredibly “introvert friendly environment” which is a great feat for the socially anxious.

Converse understands to elevate the women is to elevate a queen. There is truly nothing a woman cannot do.

As we end off women’s month and celebrate the resilient women of South Africa.

Converse wishes all women a Happy Women’s Month!